Sunday, August 4, 2013

2 Year Old Best Man

This is pretty inspirational.  For 2 years old, this kid is about as tough as they come:

Monday, May 14, 2012

Let's Get Started!!!

In the world today, there is far too much focus on the bad that goes on in the world.  The news media contributes to this by focusing on negative and controversial stories that they know will increase the number of viewers, readers, etc.  This blog is intended to offset all of the negative stories in the world by publishing inspiring and uplifting stories.  Rather than me write about stories I have heard or know about, I'm looking to you, the readers of this blog to help me.  The only rules are that the story needs to be inspirational, and represent a person or group doing good for other people are groups.

Please submit your stories to me via email at  I will review your story and post it if I feel it is appropriate.  I may do some editing of the stories that are submitted for grammar, spelling, etc.  However, I will not modify the content of the story that is submitted.

I encourage as many people as possible to submit entries so that we can post something daily that is uplifting for everyone to read.